Monday, February 5, 2007

The reason I'm taking this course . . .

The main reason I chose to take Environment and Resource Management is for my interest in the topic. Personally, I could see myself somewhere down the road pursuing a career directly tied to the course content. I’ve been considering chasing after a degree in Law for some time, and a specialty in Environmental Law greatly appeals to me. As I was choosing my courses last spring, any class linked to geography or geology and whatnot appeal to me, and Environment and Resource Management was no exception.

I hope to learn something more about the environment through this class. I would like to explore the course content from both a social and political perspective, learning how the issue directly impacts people as well as governments on a whole. Examining the topic from the viewpoint of a social scientist as opposed to, say, that of a biologist appeals to me as well, as I think there is so much that can be garnered from the subject when contrasted and compared to real life issues.

After passing references in various other classes, I’m especially interested in the content of the Kyoto Protocol. Between Challenge and Change and Law, I’ve begun to really delve into what carbon and other greenhouse gas emissions really signify, and exactly how they impact our lives. If I had to name a concern, I would definitely reference Kyoto, saying how it will impact the looming threat of global warming.


Erin McCallum said...

Hey Mark,

You're blog was very interesting, and I think that Kyoto Protocol is an interesting topic too! As well, environmental law would be a cool career to pursue. :D

Lauren said...

Hi Mark,

I've already done my official "required" commenting for the day, but I thought that I would swing over here and say hi to you, since you always have something smart and encyclopaedic to say.

Good job!

P.S. Watch "An Inconvenient Truth"! It's on your iPod, so you can watch it anywhere! Watch it while we drive to Ailsa Craig to meet with Brad Harness!

Thomis Lockhart said...

I love the kyoto protocol!!!!
Its just so great
I wish I could have been there when they made it!!!