Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Last Remarks

Looking back to my first blog, I sort of laugh upon reading the line, “I hope to learn something more about the environment through this class.” It seems a little bit like an understatement on this side of the looking glass, four and a half months later. If that was the only thing that I wanted to achieve in this course, then it certainly does seem like I accomplished all my goals for this class... and then some.

My actions now regarding the environment won’t ever be the same. While I can’t exactly promise that I’m going to save the world and singlehandedly put a stopper to climate change (that would be pretty cool, though), I know that I’ll be more conscious about my activities. Turning off lights, slimming down shower times, eliminating garbage from my lunches, switching to CFLs, putting an end to idling: there are plenty of ways I can personally contribute to the fight against climate change. No, I can’t solve the issue, but I can certainly try.

I’m glad I had the opportunity to take such a unique course. I think learning–for me, at least–is a lot easier when I’m able to apply the concepts to real life, and Environment and Resource Management definitely gave me that opportunity. Thanks for teaching it, and I know I’ll be able to carry this knowledge and put it to good use for the betterment of the world. As you yourself said in your first blog, Mr. Holmes, we’re all in this together!

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